

12 Preguntas y 1 Conversación a fondo con Aria DeMaris

ENGLISH VERSION BELOW! Recientemente tuvimos la oportunidad de conversar con Aria DeMaris una actriz super talentosa de origen Salvadoreño quien vive en Canada y quien es ademas parte del elenco de la segunda temporada de Lost in Space en Netflix participando como Izabel Azevedo. Si aun no has visto la serie, no te la pierdas y sigue de cerca la carrera de Aria quien ha participado en otras series y películas donde seguramente ya las...

By Josue Meneses Soft-spoken and articulated, Sergio Mielniczenko is not your average radio host but and industry eminence that has been involved in music for over 31 years. Who says that pleasure and business won’t mix? Well Sergio has done just that for over three decades making sure that something that started like a mere experiment or more like a leisure hobby has become the milestone for his successful career as radio host. Below is...

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