By Yenni Díaz

El Corazón de nuestra gente esta en la comunidad y como comunidad nos unimos con un solo corazon en solidaridad con nuestros hermanos en Arizona, por nuestra comunidad en el Condado de La Naranja y el resto del pais. We come together as mothers, students, workers, teachers, indigenous peoples, leaders and community members to proclaim that “Another World is Possible”/ “Otro Mundo es Posible”.

Immigration Reform is not the only struggle that affects our community but rather we are communities of color that face many struggles. The May Day March aims at not only acknowledging the current discrimination and oppression found in our streets but to celebrate Human Rights. We are a community of many colors and diversity. We cannot forget the hard-working mother that works two minimum-wage low end jobs to feed and clothe her three children or the immense sacrifices that undocumented AB540 students carry out in order to fight for their education and the DREAM Act. Our workers, including day laborers, need our support and action to ensure that they receive respect and human treatment and dignified living wages. Our communities cannot afford our schools to perform poorly and so we must connect the parents and local politicians to the education system in order to move our students forward.

Hate has no place in our neighborhoods, and as gente unidad we do not welcome racist individuals like sheriff John Arpaio nor do we support businesses like Original Mike’s who choose to bring racism into our neighborhoods. We DEMAND immigration raids to end. The well-being of our families and friends is found in unity not separation. Automobiles need to stop being impounded away from hard-working individuals without legitimacy. Our community needs to stop being victims of greedy institutions like the Santa Police Department and individuals like Mayor Pulido. Our youth needs creative and cultural spaces to organize and have their voices heard. We DEMAND that our youth no longer be treated as criminal and thus incarcerated. At the same time, we cannot ignore the self-discrimination we manifest against our own gente, nuestra comunidad LGBTQ Latin@. We cannot kill our people. We have to make every business owner, police officer, politician, student, teacher and every member of our community accountable for the positive progress of our entire community. In order for change to occur, we must at all times be inclusive and not forget any person or group behind.

De esta manera y con el Corazon de nuestra comunidad en nustras manos podemos empezar a caminar juntos y gritar que “OTRO MUNDO ES POSIBLE”. ¡Si se Puede!

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