Hellena Bazan Amazon Best Seller Book Are you Ready for Your Awakening? 

Best Seller author Hellena Bazan present her book
Are you Ready for Your Awakening?

I was bullied at high school because I was ‘ugly’, because my skin was ‘too’ dark and because I was ‘very’ different. ?????

I grew up believing I was not worthy of love, because of it. I used to believe I had to prove my worth by having to go to extremes, putting myself at risk at times or doing things that brought lots of shame and guilt.?

Time passed and life led me to where I stand now. I’m a confident woman willing to be beautiful from the inside out. I have done the work to find the love in me, for me. I have learned to set boundaries and to put myself first. It has not been easy, it has been painful. But that is where I found my strength and experience.?

Today I share my journey with the world through my first book: Are You Ready For Your Awakening?

In my book I share with you all I had to endure for me to realize who truly I am, how powerful and the importance and influence I have in the world. My wish is for everyone to come to this truthful realizations, for everyone to live the abundant life we deserve.

I must admit, there is always opportunity for growth, the sky is the limit. Today I still work on myself to be the best version of me.

Permítanme compartirles mi historia de cómo superé el ser víctima de una intimidación severa a lo que soy hoy una mujer segura, fuerte y consciente. ¡Desde la autodestrucción hasta el máximo amor propio! ¡Ayúdate, ayúdame a convertirte en la mejor versión de ti, conviértete en un Rippler of LOVE! Puede obtener su nueva copia firmada dando click en la fotografia abajo o a través de Amazon.

Sea el cambio que tanto necesita el mundo y SIEMPRE DEJE QUE EL AMOR SEA SU PRIMERA REACCIÓN. Hoy mi primer libro es un Best Seller de Amazon, gracias a todos los que han elegido convertirse en la mejor versión de sí mismos al descubrir a través de 12 capítulos cómo elegir el AMOR, la ALEGRÍA y la FELICIDAD sobre todo lo demás.

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