O.R.E. es sin duda una de los actos engendrados en la escena dark mas respetados y prolificos de nuestros tiempos. Etiquetados como “folclore apocaliptico” este duo se ha mantenido a la vanguardia con un sonido fresco y poderoso, que le ha impreso una caracteristica unica muchas veces copiada pero pocas veces superada.

Tomas Pettersson no es un extra?o en la negra corriente del “dark folk” quien vali?ndose de elementos electr?nicos, percusiones, efectos y diversos simbolismos se ha dado a la tarea junto a su inseparable Rose-Marie Larsen de erigir este monstruo de dos cabezas que hoy es Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio. A partir de las cenizas de Archon Satani se ha ido perfilando como uno de los actos bajo el sello CMI mas impresionantes del g?nero.

Apocalips no podia ser diferente. Retomando la dicotomia del bien y el mal, la luz y las sombras, su bien conocido concepto de ambivalencias que le han caracterizado, O.R.E. nos presenta este septimo disco que si bien cierra un ciclo de tipo numerol?gico en su propuesta, abre otro intenso capitulo con “labios apocalipticos” en ese juego de palabras donde se concentran lo sublime de un beso y el fatidico final tan temido por la iglesia en su denominado apocalipsis. Apocalips es intenso, soberbio, majestuoso y genial.

Pettersson incluso rinde homenaje a un legendario Lou Reed en “My Venus in Furs” muy a su estilo militar, en una marcha f?nebre con la esperada pompa que solo O.R.E. puede ofrecer. Pero lo que rompe completamente con todo el esquema marcial, obscuro y desolador es el tema que cierra Apocalips, “Who stole the sun for its place in my heart” algo asi como ?quien diablos se robo el sol de su lugar en mi coraz?n? es un tema mas pop y “upbeat” muy interesante. Interesante en el sentido que O.R.E. una vez mas se atreve a romper el molde para renovarse y se despoja de otra piel la serpiente dando paso a una nueva. Mas brillante.

La metamorfosis apenas empieza y sin duda alguna, Apocalips es la fragancia del nuevo aroma que perfuma las almas atormentadas que alguna vez estuvieran cautivas en el calabozo del tiempo. O.R.E. nos libera de esa predisposici?n para tambien atrevernos a escucharles con nuevos oidos, sin prejuicios ni tapujos. Mas alivianados, menos tristes quizas…

Tomas Pettersson es un tipo perfeccionista, cuida todo detalle en la producci?n, incluso el mismo dise?? la tapa del disco y se encargo de todos los gr?ficos y las fotos. El papel fue delicadamente perfumado para mantener la fragancia de rosas que no es posible percibir a trav?s de la m?sica, pero que sin embargo yace como contraparte de la obscuridad que gobierna en la mayor parte del disco. Aqui no hay nada dejado al azar, todo ha sido planeado hasta en los mas minimos detalles y eso dice bastante del artista, del hombre y su trabajo.

Doctor Lepra


O.R.E. Apocalips once again sets the trends, whereas other acts react to them. Dichotomy and ambivalence remains as a proved formula where this two-headed beast governs on a perennial metamorphosis. O.R.E is a modern version of legendary Aztec Goddess Coatlicue. The serpent is changing skins to a more brilliant one…

The word “Coatlicue” is Nahuatl for “the one with the skirt of serpents”. She is referred to by the epithets “Mother Goddess of the Earth who gives birth to all celestial things”, “Goddess of Fire and Fertility”, “Goddess of Life, Death and Rebirth” and “Mother of the Southern Stars”.

She is represented as a woman wearing a skirt of writhing snakes and a necklace made of human hearts, hands and skulls. Her feet and hands are adorned with claws (for digging graves) and her breasts are depicted as hanging flaccid from nursing. Coatlicue keeps on her chest the hands, hearts and skulls of her children so they can be purified in their mother’s chest. Beautifully romantic and perverse. We, hungry children feeding from glorious bitterness and sarcasm. Porn, drugs, love, blood, sweat and tears…

Almost all representation of this goddess depict her deadly side, because Earth, as well as loving mother, is the insatiable monster that consumes everything that lives. She represents the devouring mother, in whom both the womb and the grave exist.

O.R.E. gives birth again to a great masterpiece: Apocalips. Kiss them with your mouth wide open as their silent companion since you’re the third one they’ve been waiting for the orgy.



For sure one of the most eagerly expected releases on Cold Meat for long! The all new album by O.R.E. – which has already been selected as the album of the Month in the most respected German Magazine ORKUS – will be released as glossy deluxe foilprinted Digipak with a 60 minute all new material CD with the most approriate fragrance of roses! A massive 32 pages booklet, including lyrics and a very exquisite artwork by Tomas Pettersson.
The very limited Double-Vinyl is not “just” the CD put on Vinyl, but will also contain 2 extra track and a poster and the two vinyls (in Purple and pink color) comes in a nice gatefold-cover. Vinyl will be limited to 646 copies only! Deluxe Digipak limited to 3000 copies.

O.R.E. continue their march amongst seeming polarities – of creation and destruction, of dark and light, of joy and sorrow, of sex and war- toward the Coniunctio Oppositorum, the conjunction of opposites.

Their seventh full-length album is an opus of decadent beauty, of shining darkness, of fierce eroticism, of dreams, of blood, sperm and fire. Despite these familiar themes, Apocalips is also more grippingly personal and melancholic than previous records – perhaps reflecting the personal apocalypses of its creator, Tomas Pettersson. Having refined their sound to yet again new levels of clarity and completeness, Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio continue in their tradition of sound, the instruments ranging from drifting acoustic guitars, piercing percussions, lush pianos and strings to the fittingly decadent samples (including the ever-present Saloon Kitty) and above all the deep voice of Tomas Pettersson, delivering his poetic diatribes and evocations via spoken word, and even more than on previous works, via singing.

The tracks on Apocalips range from ferocious and yet tender to more tribally industrial and aggressive rhythmic soundscapes, from “My Venus in Furs”, inspired by the old Velvet Underground S&M classic, to the ending track “Who Stole…”, which is possibly the most beautiful (and most sad) Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio song thus far.

So whether you are experiencing downfall on a personal level or in the grander scheme of things, Apocalips is a suitably bitter-sweet music to accompany the end-times, laying kisses and rose petals on the path toward the inevitable.

01.[Mercury Rising] Seduced by the Kisses of Cinnabar Sweet
02.Lost Forever, in the Blitzkrieg of Roses
03.Do Murder and Lust make me a man?
04.Hear the Sound of a Black Flame rising
05.Sons & Daughters of Lilith and Cain
06.Hell is My Refuge – A Golden Dawn for a Judas Kiss
07.I think about Germany and the End of the World
08.Let the Words of My Murder be the Last Words You hear
09.When We murdered the World on the Fourteenth of May
10.[Apocalips Kisses] In the Eyes of the Scarlet ones
11.Can you see the Forest for the Trees?
12.She’s in Love with a Whip – My Venus in Furs
13.Who stole the Sun from its place in My Heart?

Available for download and listening pleasure:

We are certainly living in apocalyptic times, there is finality in the air, the world seemingly heading toward ever more upheavals of epic proportions ? and what soundtrack could be more fitting to these times of ours than the new Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio album Apocalips?

Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio continue their march amongst seeming polarities – of creation and destruction, of dark and light, of joy and sorrow, of sex and war- toward the Coniunctio Oppositorum, the conjunction of opposites.

Their seventh full-length album thus far, the eagerly awaited Apocalips, true to the ethos of The Order of Roses and Balance, is an opus of decadent beauty, of shining darkness, of fierce eroticism, of dreams, of blood, sperm and fire.

Despite these familiar themes, Apocalips is also more grippingly personal and melancholic than previous records – perhaps reflecting the personal apocalypses of its creator, Tomas Pettersson.

Having refined their sound to yet again new levels of clarity and completeness, Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio continue in their tradition of sound, the instruments ranging from drifting acoustic guitars, piercing percussions, lush pianos and strings to the fittingly decadent samples (including the ever-present Saloon Kitty) and above all the deep voice of Tomas Pettersson, delivering his poetic diatribes and evocations via spoken word, and even more than on previous works, via singing.

The tracks on Apocalips range from the ferocious and yet tender “Do Murder & Lust Make Me a Man” to the tribally industrial and aggressive rhythmic soundscapes of “Hear the Sound of a Black Flame Rising”; from ?My Venus in Furs?, inspired by the old Velvet Underground S&M classic, to the ending track ?Who Stole the Sun from its Place in My Heart??, which is possibly the most beautiful (and most sad) Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio song thus far.

So whether you are experiencing downfall on a personal level or in the grander scheme of things, Apocalips is a suitably bitter-sweet music to accompany the end-times, laying kisses and rose petals on the path toward the inevitable.

Band – Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio
Title – Apocalips
Label – Cold Meat Industry
Format – CD
Year – 2006
Genre – Apocalyptic Folk

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